Pedestrians are the most vulnerable travelers on the road. They’re at the mercy of drivers, motorcyclists and even bicyclists. Pedestrians are also dependent on the infrastructure of the area in which they live and work. Some parts of South Carolina are safer than...
Gladiator (noun): a man trained to fight against other men in an arena
Linward Edwards (noun): an attorney trained to fight against opponents in a courtroom
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Motor Vehicle Accidents
How drivers can reduce their risk of a semi-truck collision
Most people feel anxious when they notice a semi-truck near them in traffic. The brain instinctively understands that larger vehicles are a threat to personal safety. How someone behaves in traffic can slowly change when they have shared the road with semi-trucks for...
At what speed can a pedestrian crash become deadly?
Motor vehicles are incredibly powerful even at relatively low speeds. The human body simply isn't durable enough to withstand the force that a motor vehicle can generate, especially without the protection of vehicle infrastructure. When motor vehicles strike...
Motorcyclists face serious hazards on the roads
Motorcyclists are typically safe drivers who just want to enjoy the open road and make it to their destination in one piece. Yet, it is undeniable that many motorcycle riders don’t achieve this goal. Oftentimes, through no fault of their own, riders end up injured as...
Coping with a traumatic amputation after a car wreck
Traumatic amputation, a severe injury resulting in the loss of a body part, often occurs as a result of high-impact accidents like car wrecks. This sudden and traumatic event can lead to physical, emotional and psychological challenges for the individual affected. The...
What is fatigued driving, and why is it dangerous?
Driving while fatigued is a common yet dangerous practice that significantly increases the risk of accidents on the road. It occurs when a driver operates a vehicle while feeling excessively tired or sleepy, impairing their ability to make quick decisions and react...
3 job-related financial losses that can follow a major crash
Drivers in South Carolina have to accept the possibility of a crash as a trade-off for the convenience of personal transportation. Given that motor vehicles are so accessible to the public, people never know who they might encounter on the road. Every year, there are...
5 causes of semitruck crashes
Semitrucks are very large and heavy, so they pose a significant hazard on the roadways. Occupants of other vehicles are at risk if anything amiss happens with these big rigs. Anyone who’s involved in a crash with a semitruck may opt to pursue a compensation claim....
Why many pedestrian crashes happen in parking lots
Pedestrian collisions can occur anywhere that people cross paths with vehicles. Crosswalks, rural roads and major urban thoroughfares all experience occasional pedestrian crashes. However, there is another location where people may not realize their crash risk is...
3 times insurance won’t cover the costs of someone’s wreck
Liability insurance is a requirement for someone who wants to drive in South Carolina, just like a driver's license and vehicle registration must be secured before someone can lawfully get behind the wheel. Everyone who remains compliant with the law pays for coverage...