Most drivers running errands or commuting to work must pass through multiple intersections to reach their destinations. Intersections are relatively dangerous locations even though vehicles often slow down or stop when approaching them. Vehicles traveling in different...
Gladiator (noun): a man trained to fight against other men in an arena
Linward Edwards (noun): an attorney trained to fight against opponents in a courtroom
Get A Gladiator On Your Side
Year: 2024
How can a DUI conviction impact a driver’s career?
Driving under the influence (DUI) charges are relatively common. Many otherwise law-abiding citizens get arrested for having one beer too many before driving home from a party. There are also many people who end up wrongfully accused of drunk driving. Police officers...
How the move right law can help reduce crash risk
There are many different traffic laws, some of which are newer than others. Just a few years ago, state lawmakers adopted a new move right statute for those traveling on controlled-access highways. This relatively new traffic law requires that drivers avoid driving in...
Why commercial driver fatigue contributes to many wrecks
Few people spend more time on the road than professional drivers. The people who operate semi-trucks for a living may spend 10 to 12 hours per day at the wheel. Their drive time is only part of how long they have to stay awake in many cases. Many commercial drivers...
3 steps to take when evaluating a car crash settlement offer
Financial worries are relatively common after car crashes. People fear becoming unable to pay their bills if injuries prevent them from working. They may not have enough money in their savings accounts to pay to repair their vehicle or buy a new one. Those who are not...
What you should do after a crash
Being involved in a car wreck is a major life event. In the period immediately following a wreck, you may be nervous and shaken up because of the shock. There are a few steps you should take immediately after a crash, all of which can help you to preserve your right...
How can drivers cover the cost of a semi-truck collision?
Even minor car crashes can be expensive. When someone experiences a catastrophic collision involving a commercial vehicle, the costs can be astronomical. People in the smaller vehicle often have serious injuries and property damage costs to address. They may face...
This specific type of crash is the most likely to be deadly
Crashes between two motor vehicles can occur for many different reasons in a wide variety of environments. Someone backing out of a parking spot could collide with another driver waiting for that spot. A driver at an intersection could end up struck by another...
Are insurance adjusters your allies after a car accident?
In the aftermath of a car accident, between the shock of the incident and dealing with your injuries, you can easily misinterpret important interactions with insurance personnel. You might misjudge your engagement with an insurance adjuster to be helpful and friendly....
Why South Carolina pedestrians are at such high risk
Pedestrians are the most vulnerable travelers on the road. They’re at the mercy of drivers, motorcyclists and even bicyclists. Pedestrians are also dependent on the infrastructure of the area in which they live and work. Some parts of South Carolina are safer than...